
Why Direct Mail is Perfect for Small Businesses (SMBs)

direct mail for smbs

Direct mail is an incredibly effective marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. However, it offers unique advantages that align perfectly with the characteristics and values of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). 

From its trustworthy nature to its tangible impact, direct mail not only drives sales but also builds meaningful relationships with local communities. 

Direct Mail Mimics the Values of Small Businesses

One of the primary reasons direct mail works so well for SMBs is that it aligns with the same qualities that define local businesses: personable, reliable, and community-focused. Small businesses often emphasize a personal touch in their customer service, and direct mail is a marketing channel that reinforces this message. Unlike digital ads that may feel impersonal or fleeting, direct mail provides recipients with a tangible, thoughtful message.

Your marketing style should match your brand’s message, and direct mail achieves just that. Imagine receiving a personalized postcard from a local business—versus seeing a pop-up ad for an opposing business online. Which are you more likely to trust? For most people, the answer is clear: the business on the direct mail postcard. In fact, 39% of consumers try a business for the first time solely because of direct mail.

Direct Mail Delivers High ROI for SMBs

Small businesses need marketing strategies that not only make an impact but also deliver a strong return on investment (ROI). Direct mail remains the #1 offline ROI driver for small businesses, with 23% of respondents naming it as their highest-return channel*. This isn’t surprising, as direct mail offers a personal, tangible experience that sticks with customers long after it arrives in their mailbox. In fact, 62% of small businesses plan to use direct mail in 2025*, demonstrating its enduring appeal.

*Taradel’s 2025 Small Business Marketing Survey 

Why Direct Mail Works for SMBs

  1. Personable and Tangible: Direct mail allows SMBs to be more than just another ad—it creates a feeling of closeness with the brand. The average household receives only two pieces of direct mail daily compared to 157 emails, making each piece of mail more noticeable and meaningful. The physical nature of direct mail sparks a deeper connection, as studies show it’s 49% more memorable and 33% more engaging than email marketing.
  2. Trustworthy: Small businesses often rely on trust to gain new customers, and direct mail can bolster that trust. In fact, 82% of Millennials see print ads as more trustworthy than digital ones, while 75% say receiving personal mail makes them feel valued. Direct mail’s tangible nature inherently carries a sense of reliability that digital channels often lack.
  3. Encourages Local Support: Consumers are generally more inclined to support small, local businesses, and direct mail offers the perfect platform to encourage this behavior. In fact, 57% of consumers say they are willing to pay more to support local businesses, and 2 in 3 try to shop locally over large retail chains. Direct mail helps amplify this local loyalty by providing personalized offers that resonate with community values
  4. Creates Lasting Impressions: Direct mail is not only engaging, but it also sticks around—literally. Unlike digital ads that can be easily overlooked, direct mail leaves a tangible, lasting impression. In fact, 36% of recipients save direct mail in a specific spot for future reference, and the average piece of direct mail remains in the home for 17 days.

When people receive local coupons or special offers in the mail, they’re more likely to keep and use them. Whether it’s deciding on a new pizza spot for dinner or finding a local lawn care service, recipients often rely on direct mail when making purchasing decisions.

  1. Excitement and Engagement: Despite the prevalence of digital communication, consumers still enjoy checking their physical mail. 72% of consumers say they’d be disappointed if they stopped receiving physical mail. Moreover, people spend 108% more time reading direct mail compared to digital ads, showing that the hands-on experience of handling a postcard creates a deeper connection.

How to Use Direct Mail for Your SMB

One of the most effective ways for SMBs to utilize direct mail is through Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM). This hyper-localized approach enables businesses to reach every mailbox in a specific neighborhood. EDDM is ideal for small businesses because it doesn’t require a mailing list, allowing you to target local areas easily and affordably.

Here’s how EDDM works:

  1. Choose Your Area: Select specific postal routes to target potential customers in the surrounding area.
  2. Design Your Postcard: Create an engaging, personalized message that resonates with your local audience.
  3. Deliver to Every Door: The USPS will deliver your postcard to each address on your chosen route, ensuring complete coverage.

This method helps small businesses get their message in front of the right people without breaking the bank. It’s straightforward, cost-effective, and perfectly tailored for SMBs looking to increase brand awareness, foot traffic, and sales in their local community.

Ready to Grow Your Business with Direct Mail?

Direct mail is a marketing channel that complements the core values of small businesses—it’s personable, tangible, trustworthy, and engaging. It offers a high ROI and is perfect for building strong, lasting relationships with local customers.

If you’re ready to see what direct mail can do for your small business, contact Taradel today for all your direct mail needs. Whether it’s creating an EDDM campaign or designing a personalized postcard, we’ve got the tools and expertise to help you succeed.


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